Establish a Few New Nutritional Habits.

Kamil Choleva • 2 April 2021

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This week I'd like you to think about and apply some of these health-enhancing simple nutritional tips below.

Start with just one week plan and see how it goes. Don't beat yourself up if you don't follow everything, even if you follow just a few things, it helps.

The focus is on upgrading your sources of protein and the goal is to support your mental resilience and gut health. 

Here is what I’d like you to do.

1.   Aim for no more than a third of your plate to be a source of protein. Limit eating animal based protein to a maximum of twice a day.

2.   Aim to eat oily fish 4 times a week. Opt for ‘wild’ whenever possible.  If it’s farmed, try to find organic sources.  It might cost a little bit more, but it’s better to eat small amounts of good quality than larger amounts of cheap low quality food.

3.   Eat red meat once a week. The best source is grass fed and organic. Again, you want to aim to eat organic to avoid consuming meat that is contaminated with hormones and antibiotics. 

4.   Aim to eat an egg a day. Choose free range and organic brands.

5.   Eat free-range organic poultry approximately 4 times a week.

6.   Support your local butcher, fish monger and farmers. The quality of meat they sell tends to be better than supermarkets.  They’ll also be able to answer any questions you may have about the livestock. 

7.   Vegetarians should aim to supplement their protein sources by combining plants to reach a complete essential amino acid profile. Really good protein sources to include are peas, hemp, tofu, eggs, quinoa and lentils. 

Here are some simple protein upgrades for beginners:

If you: 
Eat processed, ready-made burgers & sausages
Swap to:
Homemade burgers and organic sausages

If you:
Eat standard chicken, beef, turkey, pork etc.
Swap to:
Organic, grass fed and free range alternatives. Try eating less to balance costs.

If you:
Eat fish fingers, cod, haddock and other meaty fish
Swap to:
Oily wild or organic fish like salmon, sardines, mackerel, herring and anchovies

by Kamil Choleva 4 January 2023
by Kamil Choleva 25 March 2021
What would be the most important factors for you when choosing a personal trainer? What criteria do you have for them or what qualities must they have in your view? In my view, it should be someone who will help you achieve your goals faster, more effectively, with a lasting impact on your health and fitness and while you are enjoying the process. You may want to work with a personal trainer to 1) Loose weight or body fat; 2) Get stronger; 3) Learn and practice some specific skills, like lifting weights/ Olympic weightlifting or to do a handstand; 4) Get fit and build aerobic capacity for your favourite sport; 5) Improve your diet and health in general, look and feel better; 6) Or to get help with anything else - there are endless reasons… The reason ‘why’ will be different for everyone but after being in this game for over 15 years there are some common qualities which I believe a great trainer should have. 1. Leading By Example And Being An Inspiration To Their Clients. Firstly, I think every trainer should look and act like a trainer. Trainers should be a walking example of a healthy, fit and strong person. Not all clients have to want to look like their trainer but they should be able to respect the trainer for walking the talk and putting in the necessary effort and discipline to be a proven example. It should all come from the trainer’s deep passion and enjoyment for their craft. The trainer is then a great inspiration to their clients who should feel empowered in the trainer’s presence. 2. Having A Proven Track Record - Proven Methods & Consistent Clients Results. If I were to hire a trainer or a coach, I’d also like to see at least a few examples that this trainer has been able to help someone in my position, with the same problem, before I start to work with them. I’d like to see that the trainer has proven methods to deliver results consistently with the majority of their clients. Not only does this coach have an effective program but is also able to implement the necessary life changes and new habits with their clients. This proves that they are adaptable and able to work with a variety of different people. 3. Psychology, Awareness, Coaching And Communication. Point two brings me to the point three because it’s very related. It’s not enough to be knowledgeable and know your stuff but the trainer has to be a great communicator, educator and coach. He/she has to understand their individual clients and the psychology - every client has different push buttons which activate them and different mindsets on life. It is an art of a fully present, aware and “switched-on” trainer to identify what ‘makes them tick’ and truly understand what ‘moves the needle’ towards the client’s improvement or transformation. Being able to clearly communicate and simplify things for the client is an essential quality of a coach. And lastly in this point, a trainer should ask good questions which make the client wonder, realise and/or even shift a perspective if that’s what’s needed. Not just instructing and directing their clients which puts them in a passive role. Sometimes, with the coach’s guidance, let them come up with their own solutions. 4. Being Hungry To Learn And Acquire Knowledge. If the trainer has all three qualities above then another important one is having the knowledge, being educated in their area and ‘know their stuff’. At least in the specific field he/she is specialising in. Learning and education is essential in growing and developing as a coach and not just being stuck in their old ways forever. Things are evolving and developing in the world of fitness, training, nutrition, psychology and habit creation, so it’s necessary that the coach is interested to improve and learn. 5. Being Humble. Point four brings me to the importance of the trainer being humble and his/her ability to admit if they were doing something wrong or having the wrong beliefs about something. Are they humble enough to admit if they were wrong (and learn from it)? Are they humble enough to say that they are always a student? Even after being in the fitness business for 2 decades? 6. Support and Having A Positive And Uplifting Attitude In General. Of course, in my view, the trainer should be able to uplift and support their clients on a consistent basis. On good days as well as on bad days. On those client’s bad days is particularly essential that the coach has a positive and uplifting attitude. In these tough times the importance and the value of a trainer or coach really shows. A great trainer always offers a big support and is there when it’s needed. 7. Good Sense For Challenging The Client And Tailored Individualised Program. This point relates to point three. When a great coach or trainer understands their clients well, he/she can develop a very tailored and individualised program to each client. Every client has a different level of ‘being pushed’. Some want to be pushed really hard and some not. It’s a fine art to get their clients to such an ideal spot where everything meets - being pushed just enough to grow and get better but still enjoy it and feel energised. 8. Keeping Clients Accountable, Measure And Track The Progress. It us obvious that it’s crucial to assess, test, measure, track progress and keep accountability with your client, but you would be surprised how many trainers are just training their clients during that hour in the gym or video call but not following up, not regularly test things, not measure and track enough areas and therefore not consciously aim to hit the client’s goal effectively enough. 9. Always Being Professional. Starting a session on time, look the part when conducting a session with a client, keeping booked and agreed dates and times as much as possible, not being sick often and cancelling, not being too judgemental when the client shares things, keep calm and collected …and many other things which makes a trainer professional. I’m sure there are more qualities and skills to a great personal trainer but these 9 areas came to my mind as very important and cover a decent amount for you as a client. These are points to look at and be aware of when picking your next personal trainer. I can be contacted for more information on I would be happy to hear from you. Kamil Choleva
by Kamil Choleva 15 January 2021
The new season is a great reason to make and keep resolutions. Whether it’s eating well or cleaning out the garage, here are some tips for making and keeping resolutions.
by Kamil Choleva 15 October 2020
Simple. It’s not JUST a body transformation because if you want to transform your body you have to cultivate other traits and areas. You work on your mental aspect, on your character, on your behaviour and also on your daily habits.
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